Bedroom Stories

Bedroom Stories is the continuation of our show Comfort in September 2019.

Comfort was a semi-choreographed interaction between our models and bedroom sets, showcasing the contrast between our sustainable, handmade and delicate range and the brutal rawness of one's private and intimate space. At first glance the venue presented a beautiful, floral and ethereal series of bedrooms. Although upon closer inspection the audience were confronted with the reality of everyday living bedrooms, noticing used condoms, cigarette butts and dirty crockery.

This year we will recreate the same feeling but on an even more intimate level.

We, Kate and Rosemary, are the Creative Directors of CREASE and with the help of technology, over the past few weeks we have been interviewing close friends and collaborators who inspire us, teach us and are growing with us on our journey.

Bedroom Stories have come at a time which we can all relate to during isolation. We are forced to appreciate and see the space we inhabit more than ever before, revealing the good, the bad and the ugly of our surroundings. This for many of us, has brought an opportunity for reflection and appreciation for the smaller blessings we receive daily. The confrontation of the sudden unknown and unplanned future has been one that we have both personally struggled with in a number of ways and Bedroom Stories is an opportunity for us to communicate how we’re feeling with our supporters, friends, collaborators and each other. It is something we were hoping to bring sooner, but are so happy to be bringing to you now.

In Bedroom Stories we will shine a light on a CREASE community member in their personal space along with a short interview.

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We have both had the pleasure of knowing Tyler since university and have shared a wealth of memories and unusual times together. (Nothing like a traumatic university experience to bond you for life, ey!)

There is no end to Tylers talent, forever creating new innovative looks for his drag performances as Rosacea Blemish with no detail spared. We highly recommend you check her out at the Queen Adelaide every Friday & Saturday!

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Sarah has been a member of the CREASE family from its birth, since meeting at university she has been a pillar of support and encouragement as we have manoeuvred through the dynamics of setting up a business. She has a soul that exudes kindness and creativity and we are so lucky to have her as a member of our CREASE family.

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Anna has been a member of the CREASE community long before CREASE came to be and continues to be a supporter of our creative endeavours. She is mother to Teddy, Reuben and Betsy who all currently live in Scotland with her Husband Nathan.

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